Robert Hanna is an independent philosopher, Co-Director (with Hugh Reginald) of the online philosophy mega-project, Philosophy Without Borders, and Director of The Contemporary Kantian Philosophy Project. He received his PhD from Yale University USA in 1989, and has held research or teaching positions at the University of Cambridge UK, the University of Colorado at Boulder USA, the University of Luxembourg LU, PUC-PR Brazil, Yale, and York University CA. He’s a philosophical generalist with a broadly Kantian orientation, and the author or co-author of eleven books, including Kant and the Foundations of Analytic Philosophy (2001), Kant, Science, and Human Nature (2006), Rationality and Logic (2006), Embodied Minds in Action (co-authored with M. Maiese, 2009), In Defense of Intuitions: A New Rationalist Manifesto (co-authored with A. Chapman, A. Ellis, T. Hildebrand, and H. Pickford, 2013), Cognition, Content, and the A Priori (2015, aka THE RATIONAL HUMAN CONDITION, Vol.5), the first four volumes of THE RATIONAL HUMAN CONDITION (Nova Science, 2018), and most recently The Mind-Body Politic (co-authored with M. Maiese, 2019).