Rachel Jones

Rachel Jones is Associate Professor of Philosophy, and Program Faculty with Women and Gender Studies, at George Mason University. She is author of Irigaray: Towards a Sexuate Philosophy (Polity, 2011) and chapters and articles on Irigaray, Lyotard, Cavarero and Kant, including: ‘The Anthropocene and Elemental Multiplicity,’ co-authored with Emily Parker (English Language Notes, 2017); ‘Active Matter and Vital Materiality: Between Irigaray and Bennett’ (Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 2015); ‘Kant, Irigaray, and Earthquakes: Adventures in the Abyss’ (Symposium: Canadian Journal for Continental Philosophy, 2013); and ‘Lyotard and Irigaray on Eros, Infancy and Birth: the Dissymmetrical Horizons of Being Between,’ in Rereading Jean-Francois Lyotard, ed. H. Bickis and R. Shields (Ashgate, 2013). Her research focuses on relational ontologies as ways of re-thinking materiality, difference, and bodily subjects (with particular reference to gender and race) at the intersections of the ethical, the aesthetic and the political.

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