Hille Haker
Hille Haker holds the Richard McCormick S.J. Endowed Chair of Catholic Moral Theology at Loyola University Chicago. She is a member of the European Group on Ethics in Sciences and New Technologies to the European Commission (EGE) and co-editor of the international journal Concilium. Her books include Moralische Identität. Literarische Lebensgeschichten als Medium ethischer Reflexion (1999), Ethik der genetischen Frühdiagnostik (2002), Hauptsache gesund (2011), and several co-edited books, among them: The Ethics of Genetics in Human Procreation (2000), Ethik-Geschlecht-Wissenschaften (2006), Medical Ethics in Health Care Chaplaincy (2009), and Religioeser Pluralismus in der Klinikseelsorge (2014).