Elettra Stimilli

Elettra Stimilli is Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the “Sapienza Università di Roma”. She directs the editorial series “Filosofia e Politica” and “MaterialiIT” by the Italian publishing house Quodlibet. She is part of the scientific committee of the Bloomsbury book series “Political Theologies”. She authored numerous essays that revolve around the relationship between politics and religion, focusing particularly on contemporary thought. She published “The Debt of the Living”, Suny Press, New York 2017, and “Debt and Guilt” Bloosmbury, London 2018. She published “Jacob Taubes. Sovranità e tempo messianico” (Brescia 2004) and edited the German edition, “Jacob Taubes, Der Preis des Messianismus: Briefe von Jacob Taubes an Gershom Scholem und andere Materialen (Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2006. With D. Gentili and G. Garelli she edited the book “Italian Critical Thought. Genealogies and Categories” (Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD 2018).

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