Aaron Klink is Chaplain at Pruitt Hospice in Durham, North Carolina. He holds a Bachelor’s in Religion from Emory University, a Master of Arts in Systematic Theology from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, a Master of Divinity with a concentration in ethics from Yale Divinity School and a ThM in ethics from Duke Divinity School where he was the Westbrook Fellow in the Program in Theology and Medicine. An ordained Church of the Brethren Pastor dually aligned with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, he has served as a chaplain at Duke Medicial Center, Yale New Haven Hospital and the Veterans Affairs Hospital in Durham as well as in congregational settings in New York, Connecticut, and North Carolina. His writings on theology, ethics, and medicine have appeared in the Christian Century, American Journal of Bioethics, and Lutheran Quarterly. His academic interests include the role of religion in medical decision-making and end of life care, theology and disability, and Lutheran studies.