Willie Jennings

Willie James Jennings is Associate Professor of Theology and Black Church Studies at Duke University Divinity School. Dr. Jennings teaches in the areas of theology, black church, and cultural studies. Along with having written numerous articles, Dr. Jennings is also the author of The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Racewhich is becoming standard reading in seminaries, divinity schools, and departments of religion in courses dealing with race, theology, geographic, and place theory. Dr. Jennings is currently working on a book on Creation and completing a commentary on the book of Acts. Dr. Jennings served for many years as the academic dean at Duke University Divinity School and now serves as a consultant for the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning Theology and Religion as well as the Association for Theological Schools. He is also an ordained Baptist minister and continues to preach regularly.

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