Paul Hinlicky

Paul Hinlicky (PhD, Union Theological Seminary) is an internationally-known theologian who has published more than seventy articles and many books, including Paths Not Taken: Fates of Theology from Luther through LeibnizDivine Complexity: The Rise of Creedal Christianity, and Before Auschwitz: What Christian Theology Must Learn from the Rise of Nazism. He is an authority on the theology of Martin Luther and how Luther’s theology played out in history since the time of the Reformation. He also works on the re-integration of Reformation and Patristic theology, ecumenical and interfaith dialogue, and is concerned with the interplay between Christian theology and contemporary, “post-modern” philosophy. He is an ordained minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America who has served congregations for extended terms in Delhi, NY and Blacksburg, VA, and was formerly editor of the Lutheran Forum and Pro Ecclesia.

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