Dr. Nikolaos Asproulis is currently Deputy Director of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies, Volos, Greece, where he worked full-time as academic associate since 2008. He is also Lecturer of Systematic Theology at the Post-Graduate Program of Orthodox Theology, School of Humanities, Hellenic Open University (2017-). He graduated in Theology (University of Athens, 1997). He obtained MTh (2007) and PhD degrees (2016) in Theology at Hellenic Open University. Asproulis’ research focuses on the history and development of contemporary Orthodox theology (20th – 21st century), a field in which he approached several research avenues: dogmatics, ecclesiology, history, methodology, hermeneutics. During his doctoral research, he specialized in the study of contemporary Orthodox theology with a special focus on the neo-patristic movement and its main figures (Florovsky and Zizioulas). He has published numerous book chapters and articles (in the Review of Ecumenical Studies, Communio Viatorum, Participatio), and he has edited multiple books. Asproulis was an academic associate of the official scholarly theological journal of the Orthodox Church of Greece and is currently also Coordinator of the Network of Ecumenical Learning in Eastern and Central Europe (Nelcee: http://www.nelcee.org/).