Michael Leong is the author of the critical study Contested Records: The Turn to Documents in Contemporary North American Poetry (University of Iowa Press, 2020) and the poetry books e.s.p. (Silenced Press, 2009), Cutting Time with a Knife (Black Square Editions, 2012), Who Unfolded My Origami Brain? (Fence Digital, 2017), and Words on Edge (Black Square Editions, 2018). His creative work has been anthologized in THE &NOW AWARDS 2: The Best Innovative Writing (Lake Forest College Press, 2013), Best American Experimental Writing 2018 (Wesleyan University Press, 2018), and Bettering American Poetry, Volume 3 (Bettering Books, 2019). His co-translation, with Ignacio Infante, of Vicente Huidobro’s long poem Sky-Quake: Tremor of Heaven was published by co•im•press in 2020. He has received grants from the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses and the National Endowment for the Arts.