S. Mark Heim is the Samuel Abbot Professor of Christian Theology at Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School. His books include Salvations: Truth and Difference in Religion, Saved From Sacrifice: A Theology of the Cross, Crucified Wisdom: Christ and the Bodhisattva in Theological Reflection, and Monotheism and Forgiveness. He is a member of the American Theological Society, has co-chaired the comparative theology group in the American Academy of Religion, and served on various global and national ecumenical bodies, including the Christian—Muslim relations committee of the National Council of Churches.
He is a member of the American Theological Society. He received a Pew Evangelical Scholars’ Research Fellowship in 1997-98 and a Henry Luce III Fellowship in Theology in 2009-2010. He has served as co-chair of the comparative theology group in the American Academy of Religion and on numerous ecumenical commissions and study groups, including the Christian—Muslim relations committee of the National Council of Churches. His teaching in the area of science and religion has received several national awards, including a Templeton Foundation award in 1998 for one of the twelve outstanding such courses in the country. An ordained American Baptist minister, he has represented his denomination on the Faith and Order Commissions of the National Council and World Council of Churches. He was primary investigator for a “Science in the Seminary” grant from the American Academy for the Advancement of Science in 2014-2016.