Maeve Louise Heaney
Maeve Louise Heaney

Dr Maeve Louise Heaney VDMF is a consecrated member of the Verbum Dei Community and Director of the Xavier Centre for Theological Formation at Australian Catholic University. A theologian, musician and composer, she has worked in Spain, England, Ireland, Italy, The United States of America, and Australia leading schools of evangelization, spiritual exercises and teaching theology. She writes and presents on themes of theological aesthetics, music and spirituality. She lectures in Systematic Theology at ACU and at Holy Spirit Provincial Seminary, Banyo, is vice-president of the Australian Catholic Theological Association (ACTA) and acting-president of INSeCT, The International Network of Societies for Catholic Theology.

Recent publications include “From the Particular to the Universal: Musings of a Woman Theologian” in Catholic Women Speak Network (ed.). Shared Visions: Women Responding to God’s Call (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, July 2018); “Women’s Leadership in the Church: A Question of Imagination” in Sandie Cornish and Andrea Dean (ed.), inStill Listening to the Spirit: Woman and Man Twenty Years Later (Office for Social Justice of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference: Sydney, 2019).  “New Styles” in Carlos Alberto Moreira Azevedo, Richard Rouse (ed.) Chiesa e compositori; Parole e Suoni(Rome: Aracne editrice, 2019); Light from Within: Lenten Program 2020 (Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2020) and “A Hermeneutical Exploration of The Revelatory Text of John 4:1–42, In Performative Key”, Theological Studies (forthcoming June 2020).In 2014 she released her 4th CD: Break the Crystal Frame, with Willow Publishing, Australia and is currently working on her next CD (Strange Life) and book.

Curated Symposia