Joseph S. O’Leary, born Cork 1949, taught theology in the USA (1981-83) and the Philippines (1986-87) and English Literature in Sophia University, Tokyo (1988-2015). He was Roche Chair for Interreligious Research at the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, Nagoya (2015-16). His publications in Fundamental Theology include Questioning Back: The Overcoming of Metaphysics in Christian Tradition (Winston-Seabury, 1985), La vérité chrétienne à l’âge du pluralisme religieux (Éditions du Cerf, 1994), Religious Pluralism and Christian Truth (Edinburgh University Press, 1996), L’art du jugement en théologie (Cerf, 2011), Conventional and Ultimate Truth (University of Notre Dame Press). He has discussed Buddhist philosophical themes in Philosophie occidentale et concepts bouddhistes (Presses Universitaires de France, ‘Chaire Gilson,’ 2011) and Buddhist Nonduality, Paschal Paradox (Peeters, 2015). His literary interests centre on Henry James and James Joyce, and he is currently completing a book on Joyce in theological perspective.
Joseph S. O'Leary