Jonathan Bonk

Dr. Jonathan J. Bonk is Research Professor of Mission at Boston University, where he directs the Dictionary of African Christian Biography, an electronic, multilingual, non-proprietary reference tool ( that he founded in 1995, and which has served as a stimulus for similar undertakings in Latin America, China, Singapore, and India. He served as Chair and Professor of Global Christian Studies at Providence University College and Theological Seminary in Manitoba, and as Adjunct Professor of Evangelism and Mission at both Yale Divinity School in New Haven and Presbyterian College and Seminary in Seoul. He is Executive Director Emeritus of the Overseas Ministries Study Center in New Haven, Connecticut ( where he served as Director from 1997 until his retirement in July 2013. He was Editor of the International Bulletin of Missionary Research ( from July 1997 until June 2013, and continues as the Bulletin’s Senior Consulting Editor. In 2013 he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity by Berkeley Divinity School at Yale for his contribution to the study and understanding of world Christianity. He has served as President of several academic associations, including the American Society of Missiology (ASM), the Association of Professors of Mission (APM), and the International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS). He has served on the editorial board of the Oxford Studies in World Christianity series since 2006, and is current President of the [Korean] Global Mission Leadership Forum. He has published five books, more than one hundred scholarly articles and book chapters, numerous reviews and editorials, and is the editor of seven collaborative volumes. His best-known book is Missions and Money: Affluence as a Western Missionary Problem (Orbis: 1st edition 1991, 13 printings; 2nd edition 2007, 3 printings), translated into Korean and Burmese. He is editor of the Encyclopedia of Missions and Missionaries, Volume 9 in Routledge’s Religion and Society Series (2007).

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