Janna Hunter-Bowman
Janna Hunter-Bowman

Janna Hunter-Bowman is Associate Professor of Peace Studies and Christian Social Ethics and Director of Peace Studies at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, IN. Her first book project Peace Under Duress: Agents of Transformation in Colombia, Routledge 2022, is rooted in 10 years of research in Latin America. Her publications include essays in the Journal of the Society of Christian EthicsPolitical Theology, the Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, and Mennonite Quarterly Review. Her research and teaching interests occur at the intersection of international peace studies, peace theology, political theology, engaged/action research, ethnographically driven theology, and Latin American critical studies. Her second book project focuses on agents under duress in a different context—undocumented immigrants in the United States. 

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