Eric E. Hall

Eric E. Hall is Associate Professor of Theology and Philosophy and Hunthausen Professor of Peace and Justice at Carroll College. He earned his M.A. in philosophy at Loyola Marymount University, focusing on Hegel and Lonergan studies. He earned his Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University in Philosophy of Religion and Theology, writing his dissertation on contemporary interpretations of authenticity, which he researched in part at the University of Zürich. His current research concerns itself with hermeneutics, modern Japanese philosophy, philosophy of truth, and Christology. He has recently published on the possibility of post-metaphysical theology; he has published a reworking of his dissertation with Mohr Siebeck this past summer, 2015, entitled The Paradox of Authenticity; and has finished another book with Fortress Press in conjunction with Homebrewedchristianity.com called The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to God: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Almighty. Eric is also directing two generous grants: The St. Kateri Institute for Integrative Learning, funded by the Lilly Endowment, and Vision and Call grant, funded by the Murdock Trust.

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