L. Callid Keefe-Perry & Dave Harrity

Callid Keefe-Perry is a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and travels in the Ministry within and beyond that denomination. He is the one of the founding members of the Association of Theopoetics Research and Exploration and his book, Way to Water: A Theopoetics Primer is the first attempt to document some of the multiple uses and contexts of theopoetics.

Dave Harrity is the author of the poetry craft and spirituality manual Making Manifest: On Faith,Creativity, and the Kingdom at Hand (2013) and two books of poetry, These Intricacies (Cascade Books, 2015) and Our Father in the Year of the Wolf (Word Farm, 2016). He travels the United States teaching workshops on contemplative living, imagination and poetry. His work has appeared in Verse Daily, Memorious, Revolver, The Los Angeles Review, and elsewhere. He He is an assistant professor of English at Campbellsville University and a recipient of the William Alexander II and Lisa Percy Fellowship at the Rivendell Writers’ Colony.

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