Brendan Sammon

Brendan Thomas Sammon is assistant professor of systematic theology at Saint Joseph’s University. He is the author of The God Who Is Beauty: Beauty as a Divine Name in Thomas Aquinas and Dionysius the Areopagite, and the forthcoming Cascade Companion Theology and Beauty: An Introduction To Theological Aesthetics. He is also the co-editor, along with Christopher Ben Simpson, of Theology and the Metaxological: The Donation of William Desmond to Contemporary Theology, forthcoming with Notre Dame University Press. Dr. Sammon also works in the intersection between a theology of beauty and human disability, and has been invited to speak on this in a number of forums, including the Catholic Social Thought forum at Loyola University and, most recently, the Friday Night meeting at the New York Catholic Worker. He is married to a beautiful woman from Italy, and has two beautiful sons: Liam, a seven year old with Down Syndrome, and Raffaele a five year old, with an arresting knack to ask surprisingly difficult questions.

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