Bin Song is an assistant professor of philosophy and religion at Washington College, Maryland, US. His research and teaching focus upon Asian and Comparative philosophy, religion and theology, particularly Ruism (Confucianism) and Christianity. He is the current president of North American Paul Tillich Society (2022) and serving the steering committee of the Confucian Unit at AAR (2021-2025). His manuscript “Debating Transcendence: Creatio Ex Nihilo and Sheng Sheng” is under review by the Fordham series of comparative theology, and his most recent publications include: “Contemporary Business Practices of the Ru (Confucian) Ethic of ‘Three Guides and Five Constant Virtues (三綱五常)’ in Asia and Beyond,” Religions, (2021.12, no. 10): 895, https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12100895 and “Comparative Theology as a Liberal Art,” in Journal of Interreligious Studies, No. 31 (Nov. 2020): 92-113. His Personal Website: https://binsong.live.