Anjuli Raza Kolb is Associate Professor of English at the University of Toronto, where she teaches colonial and postcolonial literature and theory with particular research interests in the history of science and intellectual history, poetry and poetics, gender and sexuality studies, political theory and independence movements, the gothic and horror, and comparative literary studies. Her book Epidemic Empire: Colonialism, Contagion, and Terror, 1817-2020 (University of Chicago Press) lays out the literary and discursive history behind the ubiquitous figure of the “terrorism epidemic,” locating the origin of contemporary global Islamophobia in the post-Mutiny British empire, and assessing the contemporary “epidemiological” approach to terrorism as a legacy of therapeutic empire.
Anjuli is also at work on a second scholarly book about special commodities (sugar, water, and world literature), a collection of poems after the Urdu poet Iqbal entitled Janaab-e Shikva (Watchqueen), and a set of articles on the natural sciences in the colonies. Her poems, translations, essays, and other writings have appeared and are forthcoming in various venues including the Los Angeles Review of Books, Discourse, FENCE, Critical Quarterly, The Boston Review, Peach Magazine, Reality Beach, Public Books, Victorian Studies, Triple Canopy, Guernica, and more.